Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sarah - Week 27

WOO!! Finally, I'm back on track. Who knows where I'm going to go from here - my life is so unbelievably ridiculously busy right now. I'm trying to balance teaching everyday, grad school three nights a week, TJs on Sundays, this diet, a new relationship and the rest of my life and it's HARD. Right now, I'm just trying to get through as much grading as I can and finish my 80 page reading assignment that's due tomorrow.

Enough of my complaining. Let's get to the numbers. I FINALLY, after weeks of bad weeks, had a normal weight loss!! I went down 2.6 pounds for a total loss of 62.2 pounds!!! I can't believe that I'm less than 10 pounds from my goal weight and only 17.8 pounds from my stopping point. However, I know that the harder struggle is in front of me - maintaining my weight. I NEVER want to be that person EVER AGAIN.

Hopefully I'm alive at this time next week...I'll probably be freaking out about my 1st ever grad level presentation. Thankfully, teaching is like doing a presentation every day.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sarah - Week 26

I can not believe that it's been a full six months, a full half year since we started this diet. To think of how much this year has changed (and is still changing) since then! I got into grad school, I got a full time sub job, I lost almost 60 pounds...I feel so good about myself and where this is all going. I ALSO can finally start the countdown to Colleen's wedding - 12 weeks. I really hope to be to my goal weight by then. I really think that I can set my mind to it and do it!!

I'm starting classes next week, so I'm basically never going to be able to go to the gym...I'm definitely still going to go on Mondays and hopefully weekends. I'm going to try my HARDEST to go after class on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. I can do it, it just means going around 7:30 or 8 PM when the gym is packed. Oh well. My life is going to be a month of craziness and then hopefully I'll be able to get back to my old gym schedule after that. I set my TJs schedule so that I will have plenty of time to go to the gym between work and class every day so that's pretty exciting.

Back to this week's total. Unfortunately, I'm SO CLOSE to 60 that I can taste it, but I'm not quite there. I ended up losing 1.6 pounds, getting me to a total loss of 59.6 pounds!! Though it's not as big of a loss as I was seeing before, I definitely feel like I'm much more back on track and I'm excited to have a really good week so that I can hit 60 next week. I neeeeed to get past this plateau, but even if I just keep losing one pound each week until teaching is over, I'll feel pretty good about myself. Then once summer comes, I can kick it into gear and get down to -80.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sarah - Week 25

Well, I thought I had a pretty good week, but the scale didn't really show it. Not to give all my readers (none of you?) TMI but I think a lot of it has to do with me getting my period today AND not having pooped in a while. Gross, I know, but those things really do affect how much you weigh!! I'm hoping to have a more balanced weigh in next week. I'm also thinking about eating some more fiber one/activia products to help mmyself "get going"...gross.

Okay, so for this week, I had another loss of one pound making my total loss 58 pounds. I'm still eeeeeking my way, but I know that next week is going to be even better.

Sorry for the short post, I'm busy as heck and I am about to go celebrate Cinco de Mayo!!