Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sarah - Week 13

Well, I knew that at one point this would happen. Am I surprised that this happened this week? Abso-freaking-lutely not. We're in the middle of the freaking snowpocalypse and have been since last friday. I spent the entire weekend eating my feelings about not going to new york, not exercising, and drinking copious amounts of alcohol. It's also the first day of my period. Needless to say I gained 1.6 lbs, making my total weight loss and even 35 lbs. I was just so frustrated about so much so I just ate. And even though I didn't eat what I usually would have, I still made up for it when I was out for the super bowl and when I made brownies...and junk food. However, I do think that some of this does have to do with my we'll just have to see.

Unfortunately, we're right back in the middle of this stupid blizzard, part two. The worst thing that I can do is eat and drink everything in sight. I'm just going to have a really good week and as good of a weekend as I can have when it's Jess's bday and (crossing my fingers) Amanda, Kyle, and Alex are coming down. I need to just get back on track, and have a great week so that I don't get discouraged. We have gotten SO FAR. I can't let this blizzard fuck up everything that I've worked so hard for. I just have to do my best and cross my fingers that next week will be better.

Fuck. This. Snow.

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