Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sarah - Week 15

Well, I'm not really sure how I did it after my spectacular eating performance on Sunday when I was dead tired and high as shit, but apparently the rest of the week and the non-stop dancing at THON made up for my one bad day/night. Without further adieu (is that even right?) let's get to this week's total. I lost a solid 2.8 pounds!! This brings my total loss to 41.2 pounds!!! I'm LESS THAN TEN POUNDS from 50!! I can't believe it. I'm also about 7 pounds from the lowest I ever was with WW, making me hopefully the skinniest I've ever been before spring break.

Speaking of SB, we have 4 weigh-ins left until then and I'm preeeetty much on track to get to the 50 pounds right before then. And then I will need to get a new bathing suit...and at least a little bit of new warm weather clothing. However, I'm only going to get a few things in hopes that when June rolls around and it's actually summer, I'll have gotten down to my goal weight and the stuff that I buy in 4 weeks won't fit anymore.

In other news, THON was this weekend. And besides raising over 7.8 million dollars for Four Diamonds, I was able to see a ton of penn staters that I hadn't seen in ages. Think mostly the people that I don't really go out of my way to see when I go up to state for football. Every single person I saw was like "OMG! You look great!!!" and it FELT great! If anything, it's just motivating me more to look even more amazing in 8 weigh ins for blue/white weekend.

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