Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sarah - Week 24

This weekend was amazing. Everyone was shocked. It felt soooo good, like everything that I've been doing is paying off. I have sooo much more to write about but I am up to my eyeballs in work and if I have to look at basically anything else all day, I may scream.

Loss for this week...another slow and steady. I had a great wed-thurs and a great mon-tues but the weekend is still KILLING me. I really need to work on my resolve when drinking. This weekend should be a little better, I'm only drinking on Friday and going out to dinner on Sat, but I'm trying to get to the gym beforehand. Oh, and a little eight mile walk on Sunday should help. I'm really optimistic about a great week because I also don't have TJs on Monday or Tuesday so I can finish out the week strong. Anyways, I lost .8 bringing me to a total loss of 57 pounds. Oh, to be at 60. SO CLOSE. Yet apparently so far away...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sarah - Week 23

As much as I was upset with myself last week, I still had a good weightloss so I don't think I really understood what I needed to do to change. This week, not so much. I stayed the same (thank god) keeping me at a total loss of a still respectable 56.2 pounds. Is it a great accomplishment? Absolutely. Could I have been to my goal basically by now if I hadn't gotten off track? Absofreakinglutely. This weekend at Penn State is going to be rough, but I'm staying extremely on track today and tomorrow to try to make up for it. Hopefully it'll be my last super wild and crazy weekend for a while.

I'm frustrated with myself for the lack of effort I've been putting into this diet in the past month. Before, when I could go to the gym every day, I could eat a lot more of what I wanted and not totally care about it. Now, I can only go to the gym a few select days per week and I need to reformat my plan of action. I know that once I have another great week, it'll be the motivation that I need to get me past this self-inflicted plateau and I'll be back on track.

It's funny because a few weeks ago, it seemed like I was so close to my 70 pound goal that 80 felt like nothing and now, it seems like 80 is miles and miles away. I know that I have to stay super extra motivated in the next coming weeks. A lot of what is holding me back is not being able to go to the gym, and a lot of why I can't go to the gym is Trader Joes.

I'm feeling totally overwhelmed with work right now - this long term job is nothing like what I have had before. At Kennedy, I was out of school by 230 every day with barely any lesson planning and not even a ton of grading. This is a full day's worth of planning (only to get worse in the coming weeks because I'm out of curriculum) where I don't get out until 330 at the absolute earliest and my pile of grades is a mile high.

Adding TJs on top of that is basically killing my gym time and my motivation. If I'm at TJs, I can't go to the gym unless I was miraculously scheduled for a 6-11 shift. If I'm not at TJs, I'm so exhausted that after the gym all I want to do is nap and lay around for the rest of the night and go to bed early and not get any of my grading done. I know that I have to do something about it, but I may just keep trucking through until I move to just Sundays in three weeks.

All in all, I'm frustrated, tired and need to get back on track. I've upped what I'm doing at the gym, giving me 100 extra calories burnt every time I go, but I also need to be wayyy more careful during the non-monday and tuesday days of the week and ESPECIALLY during the weekend. That's it for now, though I have a ton more to write about...maybe I'll do another update tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sarah - Week 22

Well, after that ridiculous week of a million things to do and no time at the gym, I'm surprised that I lost anything. My goal this week is to definitely make it to the gym more - as I've said a million times these past 22 weeks, I really believe that the gym is the deciding factor as to how good of a week I have. Looking at things optimistically, I was able to buy a water bottle and I've been drinking at least 24 ounces of water a day, if not more.

It's 10 days until blue/white weekend. I can not believe how fast these past months have flown by and how the weight has melted off. I am so excited to see everyone (and their reactions) and I'm glad that I have one more week to do really well before I trek out to State College. I've written so much about how excited I am about blue/white, I don't know what I'm going to write about after it's over!!

On to this week's loss. I had a repeat, respectable loss of 1.8 pounds, bringing my total loss to 56.2 pounds! These past 5 or 6 weeks have definitely been slow and steady, but not bad for starting a full time job and going on vacation. Even if I can keep on going slow and steady for the next 10 weeks (until school is out and I'm not the busiest person of all time) and keep my losses between 1-2 pounds a week, I'll be in perfect shape for reaching my goal by the end of the summer. I only have 13.8 pounds left to my original goal and 23.8 pounds to my end weight. That's roughly (hopefully) 8-12 weeks left!! I can't believe I'm so close!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hitting a Rough Patch

I'm having two issues with this diet. One is lack of motivation and will power - specifically when I'm out to eat. If I have a day where I don't go out to eat, I'm fine and it's usually a great day. I barely even look at the demo counter and samples at TJs anymore. But when I'm out at a restaurant (even when I'm making healthIER choices) I can't seem to use any restraint anymore! When it tastes good, I just can't stop eating it! Yesterday I had to pry myself away from the eggplant fries and Adega, even after I was stuffed. Same goes on Wednesday when we went out with Sigal. This wouldn't be the biggest deal in the world if it weren't for my second problem...

I'm too busy to ever get to the gym. Hopefully this week was an anomaly, but I haven't been to the gym since Tuesday. I can't go this week except for tomorrow and Tuesday again. That's ridiculous! The problem is that I have to stay at school until around 4 every day so if I have anything that starts before 6 I don't have time to go in between. I'm thinking about going in the morning, but that would entail waking up at like 5:30 and I don't really know if I can handle that and still be a functional human being for the rest of the day.

I've made it sooo close to my goal, I don't want to crap out or plateau now... especially not so close to blue/white weekend. I just don't know what to do! It's only going to get worse in a few weeks when I start grad school on top of everything else. Ugh. At least if I can make it slowly but steadily going down until the end of the year by the time school lets out, I can be back on my awesome gym regimen.

That's all for now, hopefully I can pull it together in this second half of the week.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sarah - Week 21

Well, we're back from vacay! I can't really write much today - and I'm even writing this a day late because my life has been so ridiculously busy lately. Miami was awesome, my life is ridiculous, teaching is challenging but fun, etc, etc, etc. I'm just stopping in to document my results and then getting ready to teach. However, we had mexican food last night sorta latesh in the evening and I'm still not feeling very well/feeling super ridiculously full almost 12 hours later. Oh well, I have a ton of water to drink in my new water bottle and lunch isn't for three more hours so we'll see how I feel then.

So here I am, after skipping a week because we were on vacation (not a total vacation from the diet, but definitely not being as dilegent as I could have been. The platanosssss!!!!! The margaritas!!!!!) I surpised myself with a net loss over the two weeks of 1.4 pounds bringing me down to a total loss of 54.4 pounds!! Crazy, right? I have two more weigh ins until blue white and I would LOVE to get to 60 pounds. SIXTY!! Can you believe it?? I'm only 15.5 pounds from my goal, however, the more I think about it, the more I may go 10 more so I can give myself some leeway to gain and lose and stay looking how I want.

I can not wait for Blue/White!! Not only do I get to go to my favorite place in the world and see some of my favorite people, I also get to see a ton of my NOT favorite people and be like "BAM! Minus 50 plus pounds, fools" I literally can't wait.

Okay, the kiddies are here! Back to a freaking long and crazy day.