Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sarah - Week 17

It's hard not to have mixed feelings about this week. I had a huge weight loss, thanks to a bout of food poisoning that left me unable to eat for all of Sunday and most of Monday. I'm feeling much better now and finally going to make it back to the gym today, tomorrow, and Friday to get back on track. It's just hard to be THIS CLOSE to 50 and not be there.

How close you ask? This week I lost 4.2 ridiculous pounds rounding out to a total of 49 pounds!! Next week is the week and I can't wait! Obviously I need to slow things down in the losing weight category, but I was on track for a normal week until getting sick. In other news, my BMI dropped over 8 points! I'm getting pretty close to being "normal weight" and only 21 pounds from my goal.

Two more weigh-ins until Miami and 6 more until Blue/White weekend! I'm just going to continue to have a really good week so that I don't have to worry too much on Saturday for the Erin Express in Philly. I'm making some preeeety sweet t-shirts for the occasion. Hopefully (and I KNOW this won't happen), I won't eat three dinners this year.

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