Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sarah - Week 19

So here I was, talking about how I was going to update more, blah blah blah, and then what do I do? Not update for a whole week. I've literally been the busiest person of all time this past week and it's going to keep going now that I've started to teach full time. I don't really even have the time to be writing this right now but I figured I better do it so that I don't lapse on the blogging and more than I already have.

Here it is, finally, the big week!! After last week of eeking my way to 50, I finally made it! However, I have no idea how I had such a big weight loss this week - I ate normally and didn't go to the gym saturday-monday. I even drank BOTH weekend nights!! I feel like Rocky running up the steps of the art museum. My loss for this week was an impressive 3.6 pounds making my offical total weight loss 53 pounds!!!

I can't believe I've passed the 50 mark! Only 17 pounds left to go - that's like nothing. It's the perfect thing to happen the weigh-in before Miami though I can't use it as an excuse to eat and drink everything I want while I'm away, especially because we're skipping next week's weigh in.

I'm feeling really good about teaching every day - it's definitely putting me back on a good eating schedule. I can plan out my day really well because I'm bringing exactly what i'm eating for breakfast and lunch. My biggest issue right now is that I think I'm still not eating enough veggies. Hopefully packing a lunch will help me change that as well.

That's all for now, time to eat my lunch!!

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