Thursday, December 24, 2009

Picking up Cati's slack

Well, Cati sucks at life...mostly at posting in blogs.

I had a sort-of epiphany yesterday that was a little frustrating. It had nothing to do with only losing 1.8 lbs, I'm proud of that much and I know that I need to be dieting healthily or else I'll gain it all back when I get to my goal or have a ridiculous eating disorder and have to be on intervention. The reason why I'm not seeing much of a significant change in my body is because all I've done so far is lose the weight that I gained in college. I've finally gotten back to where I was before I discovered power hours, monkey boys, and pokey sticks. This is the weight that I think I've been seeing myself as, in my mind's eye, even though I've been grossly more.

With that said, I think that in the next 10 lbs, I'll get that BAM and start noticing the difference. I'm only 6 lbs to my first goal, just being overweight not obese, and 6 lbs to halfway to our main goal, 50 lbs. I'll also be a little over a third of the way to my final goal that I try not to think about too much. I'm getting excited for the new year and the new me that's coming with it!!

PS I'm so jealous of people who have ellipticals with TVs attached to them! Today I ran at my parent's club for a full hour just because I was so engrossed in Wife Swap. Maybe I need to invest in buying some hour long shows and uploading them to my crackberry.

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