Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sarah - Week 4

Well hello! We've been pretty bad about updating the blog recently, but we've also been exhausted and working and traveling (as we ususally are). I definitely had a challenging week - mostly made by my ridiculous fear of having two "bad" weeks in a row. I need to realize that I can make good decisions and not starve myself all the time and still lose weight. If I'm too extreme, I'll gain the weight back as soon as I'm done "dieting". On the other hand, I know myself and once I start going downhill and back to my old habits, I won't be able to get back on. I'm already starting to feel this about going to the gym. Thankfully we bought an excersize DVD that's almost as good as running away 500 calories on the elliptical.

That brings me to my total loss this week of 4.2 lbs!! It's a little more than my aim per week, but if I factor in my 1.2 lb loss from last week, I'm safely in my 2-3 lbs a week goal. This loss brings my total loss to 13.4 lbs. Not too shabby for just over a month of dieting. Though I'm starting to feel like my clothes are getting baggier, I haven't physically seen a big difference. I think that once we get to like 25 lbs (hopefully by the beginning of Feb-ish) we'll start to notice a major difference.

I'm hoping to have another great week so that I can guilt-free enjoy Max Brenner (!!!) in Philly next Thursday night. More to come, especially about my Hannukah traditional fried food fest (mostly just tons of latkes, YUM) on Saturday.

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