Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Because I felt like cobwebs were growing on this blog.

Well, this has been an interesting week. The weather went back to being shitty, which sucked because I loved going on those long walks with Cati. We need to start back up as soon as it gets nice out again. I'm hoping that that's going to happen ASAP.

Why was it so interesting, you ask? I felt like the past two weeks I'd been losing weight too fast. This week, I decided to try eating more and not being a ridiculous crazy about excersize so I'm really nervous for tomorrow's weigh in. My goal, in case you've forgotten, is 2-3 pounds a week, so I'd love to fall in that category. However, I'll be happy with losing anything this week because I'm so nervous. I also went back on birth control, but it's really low dose so I don't think it's going to affect my weight that much.

I'm hoping that next week (just in time to go to NYC) I'll have reached my halfway mark!! I'm also hoping that Cati loses the last pound or so that she needs to get to 30 and our 30 pound treat: CHIPOTLE!!! I just ate lunch and am full (a yummy but not amazing healthy choice: chicken, bacon, cheesy rice or something like that) so I can't fully describe to you how much I am DYING for a freaking less-rice, less-beans, medium and corn salsa, sour cream and guac chicken burrito. DYING. We'll definitely make it either this week or next, so I'm getting pretty excited.

The next big milestone/goal we have is 50 pounds. At -50 pounds, I'll officially be the thinnest that I've ever been in my life, even skinnier than I was after WW in high school. And I looked GOOD then. I can't believe that we're doing so well and that we've lost so much. I am so freaking proud of us! I feel great about myself and super confident and can't wait to get to the next two goals. Six months ago, I couldn't have dreamed about weighing this much. Six months from now, I hope to be in the best shape of my life feeling and looking great!

See you tomorrow!

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