Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sarah - Week 9

Omg. So I meant to write a big post about some amazing food that I found that is really yummy and low on points. However, I got distracted at school. It's been a crazy two weeks - last week I worked every day and managed to get myself an awesome long term job from the end of March until the end of the year. It definitely makes me feel a little less crazy about money right now because I know I'll have great paychecks taking me almost a month into the summer. I sent my application in to grad school (though it was basically a shot in the dark, and I'm not really expecting to get in. I'm going to look into all of my options for next year and send out a slew of them) and so I had to take the PRAXIS yesterday (passed!) and the MAT next thursday (I'm scared!)

So basically, my life is ridiculous. I had a pretty good week this was the first in a long time where I wasn't at all nervous for today's weigh in. However, I think I went a little overboard on being careful yesterday and monday because I was so stressed about the test. So here are my results. -4.6 for a total of 28 lbs lost!! I know that that's waaay more than I want to healthily lose per week, so I'm going to take pains to not be as ridiculous this coming week starting with a yummy wine pairing lunch with Michelle later today and cleaning my room before that instead of going to the gym. It's still exercise, right?

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