Friday, January 15, 2010

this morning, I ate my words

Minimal sarcasm today and no movie reviews. I have just learned a valuable lesson about the mental games of dieting. After my good, though treacherous, start on this diet and on this blog, I had a highly problematic week. I was traveling, eating out a ton, didn't make it to the gym once and came home to a sparsely stocked kitchen with few fulfilling healthy options. After losing so much the first week, and in a not so sustainable way, I was certain that I had gained back some or all of the initial weight I lost. Afraid of how a setback so early in game would affect my progress, I can't say I was upset when I realized my old analog scale at school was completely inaccurate. I postponed my weigh-in doomsday back until I could pick myself up a new, digital read-out scale. This morning, I couldn't put it off any longer, but I discovered I still managed to lose an additional 0.4 pounds! It made me realize how unaware I must have been of my eating habits before starting this plan. I also now know how important it is to just hop on that scale when wednesday rolls around, because putting it off just makes me worry about hypotheticals. Now, my kitchen is fully stocked with a zillion low-fat, high-fiber options, I've got a more precise and accurate scale, and I'm set in one place with a gym to go to. Next week's challenge: fitting in the gym and healthy eating with a full class schedule and a three-day/week commute into the working world.

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