Friday, January 15, 2010

Frustrated with myself.

So on Wednesday, I was feeling on top of the world. HUGE weight loss, big praxis pass, and a the prospect of a new man on the horizon. Then, BANG. BOOM. I let this whole stupid guy situation bring me down and make me feel like complete shit. After losing 28 pounds, and a six month hiatus from being the pimpette that I was (you can thank Beth for that discription...I'm no Snookie), I was just ridiculously stupid and excited for the first "real" prospect that came my way.

I'm not going into the gory details, but I spent half of Wednesday and all of yesterday and part of today feeling bad about myself. But you know what? I don't have a damn thinig to feel bad about. I feel great, look great, and am on the path to feel and look even better. Usually, the first thing I'd do when I felt like this would be eat. And eat. And throw away everything that I've been working so hard on. But that is NOT what I'm going to do. I'm going to keep on keepin on and dip my hand back into the sea of J-Date...maybe. Definitely when it starts getting warmer. I don't know if I can handle waiting outside for a date in the freezing* cold. So nstead, I deleted his number so that I wouldn't make even more of a fool of my self whilest drunk texing and am moving on with my life.

I just can't believe I got so worked up about someone who wasn't Jewish!!

In other news, soooo many people are coming up to me and commenting on how good I look. And though I've definitely noticed it in my face, boobs, and clothes, I'm still waiting for the big OMG moment. But I know it's coming soon, hopefully within the next ten pounds. Have a great weekend everyone!

*as freezing as you can get in the south.

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