Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sarah - Week 10

Jeez. Well, sorry to go so soft on you last week and use this as my personal blog (or livejournal...god, that was a whiny post). Won't happen again. Promise.

Now the real reason I'm here! It was a great week, food wise. I ate this AMAZING lunch at Grapeseed Bistro in Bethesda on wednesday. And as much as I wanted the mac and cheese with pork belly, I was strong and had a bangin greek-esque salad and fish tacos. YUM. Beth came to visit this weekend as well and Monday was Lisa's birthday so we went and had sushi at Sticky Rice. Over all, there was a little more drinking than I'm used to (you can say that again) and regular amount of eating so when I stepped on the scale I was SHOCKED to have lost 4.7 lbs. So shocked that I got on 3 more times and ended up figuring that I lost about 3.7 lbs for a total of 31.6 lbs!!!

This week's weight loss means that I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL!!! I am officially "just overweight." So long, America's obese population. I'm also a mere 2.4 lbs to half way to my final goal! With all that said, I'm nervous that I'm losing too much too fast and am going to either A) have really baggy skin when I get to my goal or B) not be able to keep it off. Though I think that this loss has a lot to do with the HUGE amount of exercise that I got this week via a million long walks in our neighborhood in the amazing weather, I'm going to be really good about not eating too little this week so I can go back to my goal of 2-3 lbs per week. That's it for now! I'm really excited for the next few weekends coming up, I'm sure I'll update you more about them soon.

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