Saturday, November 7, 2009

First girl, first post.

Okay, so here goes nothing.

I really wanted to call this "2 girls, 1 blog" but lord knows that title was taken when 2 girls, 1 cup was the hottest internet meme this side of keyboard cat. Here's the deal. We're two roommates who each want to lose 50 lbs for our own reasons. I'll let Cati introduce herself later. For me it's not about looks, I've looked like this for the past few years, ever since I started college. It's about self esteem. I definitely haven't felt this badly about myself in years, possibly ever. I have no confidence in my quest for finding my number one goal - a nice jewish husband (isn't that the number one goal of all jews in their mid 20s?) More selfish reasons aside, I'm ready to get healthy and happy and match my new more urban lifestyle.

We want to change our eating, drinking, and exercise habits...and hopefully with eachother's support we can get to our final goal.

Eating and Drinking
We want, not only to eat less calories, but also eat foods that are better for us. We don't want to starve ourselves and we don't want to give up all of our favorite foods (Chipotle, anyone?) I think this will be the hardest part for me because of my love of good food. And food in general. And good beers. We also work at Trader Joe's where we're constantly surrounded by free and yummy food. And my brother is an amazing cook who just moved close to us and just started working at a yum restaurant in the city.

In other words, OY. We have a lot up against us.

As long as we stay on track I think this will be the easier step for us. My goal is to be able to run a 5K by the spring or summer. We also want to take part in the MS walk in DC in April.

Our starting exercise regiment is this:
Sit-ups 6 days a week (i'm starting at 200 a day, hoping to move up as we go along)
30 minutes of cardio or 60 minutes of walking 2 days a week (to increase to 3 and 4 as we get used to this)

So that's about it for the plan. More about my reasons and goals to come! I don't want to give it all away on the first post! I have faith that we can do this as long as we keep each other motivated and in check even though I know how much of a long and hard road it's going to be.

That's all for now

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