Monday, November 30, 2009

So thanksgiving break was awesome (in the having fun, ridiculous sense) and not good but not horrible in the eating/dieting sense. My biggest problem the whole weekend was restraining myself when it came to eating while I'm inebriated. At least when I wasn't drunk, I stuck to healthier options then I normally would. On Wednesday night, I got a bag of white cheddar popcorn and had a few of the thin, pringle shaped TJs chocolates for a sweet kick. On Saturday night I had some thanksgiving leftovers, focusing mainly on the bangin green beans and asparagus. So, in the same spirit of my MSU trip, in a weekend/break where I would have probably gained weight I did a good job eating a ton less than I normally would. I even went to my parents' gym on Thanksgiving morning to combat some of the food I knew I would be ingesting.

I'm just going to have to be really good today and tomorrow to make up for the weekend. I would LOOOOVE to hit the 10 lb mark, but that's saying a lot for the next few days. Mostly, I have to make sure to drag my sorry ass to the gym today and tomorrow. Tomorrow will be no sweat, because I don't have much time between school and TJs, juuuust enough to go to the gym and then make it to work on time. Today is the real issue bc I'm still exhausted and catching up on sleep and I'll probably nap before the gym instead of the better, more motivating time slot of just when I get home.

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