Monday, November 23, 2009 I cheated

I checked the scale this morning. I had had a less-than-stellar weekend (however, it was a HUGE improvement to what I would have normally eaten in the same situation) and I really needed to know what I was up against for the real weigh in on wednesday morning. I was so nervous that I had packed on a bajillion calories and that I would be super discouraged and back to my original weight. This was not the case!! Whatever I did, I guess I didn't make too many horrible choices...or maybe I had done well enough on Wednesday and Thursday to make up for some beer-drankin East Lansing craziness, but I'm proud of myself. Usually a weekend getaway would be a free-for-all but I tried to stick with healthier choices and not too much drunk eating.

Seriously, ask Micki about when I realized I shouldn't be eating Taco Bell.

I tried to stick to rice cakes and fruit snacks on the road and I only slipped up on the ride home (damn you, sour cream and onion pringles!) I think that I would have done even better if I didn't feel bad for leaving food on my plate when I'm full or getting the smaller size portion even when I feel starving. I need to realize that it doesn't take as long to fill me up as it used to and order accordingly.

So, all in all, it was a great weekend. Though I'm not happy with my actions, I think that I did pretty well for having this HUGE test only the second weekend of this diet. On to the next test, Thanksgiving.

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