Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 1 -- Cati

-2.2. This was just the kick that I needed to make me stop being nervous about not getting anywhere. I'm really pleased. Also, YAY SARAH!

I made a lot of good food decisions today. I never used to eat breakfast, and today I had a yogurt. I read an article about how it's good to eat something within the first hour of waking up to get your metabolism going. It was a great because I wound up eating the small breakfast and packing a sandwich for lunch (Thanks for the turkey, Sar!), and then was full until dinner. That meant no snacking! Great success. I think I'm gonna keep up this whole breakfast thing. Even if it's something small. Maybe I'll graduate to cereal.

I also think I need to get on to a more routine. I'd really like to start going to the gym in the morning before work. It's not that I don't have time, it's just that I don't like to wake up, hahaha. I'm going to try going to bed a little earlier tonight so I'll get up and go to the gym in the morning.

I feel like Nike. I know I can do all these things. I just have to do it. I should change the banner on my phone.

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