Monday, November 9, 2009

I disagree.

Today was easier for me. Likely because I wasn't faced with the samples at TJ's. And because I was running after a child all day, rather than looking at food.

In regards to the scale, I'm super annoyed it's not working because in the grand scheme of things... it's new. Since July. And even though it's not official weigh in day, I'd still like to know.

The gym was regular to me today. It's not that I hate going to the gym, it's that a I hate being hot and sweaty. And obviously that happens. But I felt like I did a good job while I was there. Listened to a mix of Glee and Jay-Z, which turned out to be a really great workout "mix." My gym plan for tomorrow depends on Sarah, I suppose. If she's here, then we'll probably go together. If not, then I may go for a walk, since I think it's supposed to be nice again.

I had this great Steamfresh rice in a bag and vegetables in a bag situation. I'm so glad those guys went on sale. The chicken rice was awesome, and the corn, asparagus and carrot mix was also great. The asparagus made it. I feel similarly to asparagus does to peas. Lucky for me... Zero Point Veggie!

Still feeling great. :)

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