Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm hungry.

Sarah is lapping me with updating the blog. Sorry, yo.

I guess I'm feeling good about this weekend. I'm sorta not convinced really that my Wednesday morning is going to be that different. Like, I know that if nothing else, I burned an extra 1000 calories at the gym, and that will help. And I know that my portions have been smaller and less calories. But I also sort of think I've been snacking more. And I know I've slipped once or twice and made not good choices. I'm nervous about it. I'm still very invested in losing weight, but I'm just concerned I have a sort of skewed view on it.

I found this website hungrygirl.com today. It's really good. She's got a bunch of yummy looking recipes, and a cookbook I want which is 200 recipes under 200 calories. She was very realistic, and is very flat out about telling you she's tried fad diets and that's where some of her ideas come from, which I don't love. For Pete's sake, this woman gave up carbs for an entire year. But a lot of the stuff looked like sorta easy, comfort food-y style. Sometimes you're just not really into a big fancy gourmet style meal.

Also, our scale broke again. I'm annoyed about it. It's brand new!

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